Miscellaneous Information

The popular culture of 1989: the Spin Magazine archive on Google Books

The Village Voice archive on Google Books. Not the most user friendly interface - you'll have to scroll over to find the copies from 1989-1990 - but there's some interesting material on the art & music scene in NYC at the time.

This is a little dry, but it gives an excellent overview of the economic realities of working as a freelance artist in the mid- to late-1980s.  
  • Filer, Randall K.  “The ‘Starving Artist’ – Myth or Reality?  Earnings of Artists in the United States.”  The Journal of Political Economy, Feb 1986, 56-75.  Print. 
Rent is simultaneously a period piece and culturally relevant. This article tries to articulate that phenomenon.

The Atlanta version of the Alphabet City Community: the Cabbagetown Music Scene circa 1990